
Current Kinect Stats:

Completed/Played: .................................................. 32/45

Played Completion: ................................................... 71.11%

Total Kinect Gamerscore: ...................................... 29,360

Completed/Overall: .................................................. 32/80

Overall Completion: 40.00%

Thursday, February 10, 2011


This is a sports compilation that includes 10 sports, as the name implies ( Deca is a prefix in the metric system, also a numerical prefix, denoting a factor of ten).

If the game looks familiar, it might be because it is a rework of a Wii title that came out a while back.

The game has some fun gameplay to its credit, but also seems to fall short in other areas.

Special thanks to bloodnutman and ScottRad1234 for helping me with the online achievements in this game.

GAME: Deca Sports Freedom


The fact that the game offers 10 sports is a plus, as it allows for a wider variety. And, to be fair, some of the sports are actually pretty fun.

I seemed to experience a handful of sensor issues though that seemed to damper my appreciation for this game. For one, my in-game avatar will often be stuck in a sitting position (although I have no similar issues with any of my other Kinect titles). This makes hitting certain returns in Volleyball and Tennis near impossible in some instances.

Also, there is an issue of quantity over quality as far as some of the sports go. Whereas boxing and archery are fun and interesting to play. Sports like Kendo and Paintball are not. Kendo isn't really a bad event, it just doesn't work well in a Kinect compilation, and Paintball utilizes a first-person shooter setup that falls short of my expectations.

There is also some issues with Kinect being able to recognize players with this software. I played some co-op with my wife and we were constantly having issues. If we moved too far out of range and came back, the game would not always remember the player and would register one of us as "Guest". And at one point, the game mixed us up and we were playing under the other persons' gamertag.

This game is fun in small doses, and manageable when concentrating on playing your favorite events.


Aside from Figure Skating and Mogul Skiing, you don't really get yourself in motion. Games like Tennis and Volleyball have your in-game avatar automatically move into position, you just have to swing your arms. Archery and Paintball read body movements, but are limited to turning your body certain directions. Kendo, Boxing, and Dodgeball have you stand in place and move your arms, and Snowboarding has you stand in place and lean.

Still, Mogul skiing is enough to work up a sweat, and Boxing is great for flailing around your arms.


- If you enter the "Locker Room" from the main menu and yell "Hudson" (with the Kinect mic turned on), you will unlock an Avatar Item T-shirt.

- Achievements are not affected by option changes. You can feel free to play the game on the easiest settings and the minimal number of matches. (Unless the achievement specifies certain option criteria).

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