
Current Kinect Stats:

Completed/Played: .................................................. 32/45

Played Completion: ................................................... 71.11%

Total Kinect Gamerscore: ...................................... 29,360

Completed/Overall: .................................................. 32/80

Overall Completion: 40.00%

Friday, February 4, 2011


The last couple of weeks have been pretty tough. My Kinect progress has pretty much come to a complete halt.

I am in the middle of two fitness games, both of which require loads of dedicated time and little gamerscore to show for it.

I am also having trouble finding time and bodies to help with multiplayer achievements, which is holding up not only my Kinect progress, but my Gamefly queue as well.

I am stuck with 900GS on Deca Sports, only missing the achievement for playing all 10 sports with another player. I was able to talk my wife into standing in. Unfortunately, even after meeting the requirements the achievement did not unlock. I think it has to do with a sensor issue where one of our profiles was registering as a "Guest" and not by our accounts. I would just try it again, but my wife isn't dedicated to the cause enough to go through it again. Luckily, I have been contacted by a gamer who needs the achievement as well. Hopefully by the next update, I will have this game complete.

I am having similar issues with Kinect Adventures, except I have no problem finding people to play with, I just have problems connecting with them over Live. We keep getting messages like "Game Session Has Ended" whenever we send each other invites (followed by an infinite load loop that requires me to restart my game). Hopefully I can get this resolved as well.

On the plus side, I just got Adrenaline Misfits in the mail from GameFly, and after about only 4 hours, I have 910/1000GS. The remaining 90 are local co-op achievements, but the short and easy variety. I should have it back out in the mail within the week.

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